Burn the Fat Feed The Muscle Review

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Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to transform their body into a picture perfect, lean body.

The book, whose full title is Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, was written by an expert in the fitness field – Tom Venuto.  Venuto was a very successful body builder who knows how to build a lean body.

Burn the Fat by Tom Venuto is not some get thin fast scheme. In Burn the Fat, Venuto shows you how to do it, but it will take some real work on your  part.

But anyone serious about losing some weight and getting a lean body should know that to burn the fat, you need to put some effort into it.

However, the thing that will really surprise you is how much eating right is the secret to getting a lean body.  It’s not about doing tons of crunches and what not.  To get a lean body, you need to burn the fat AND feed your muscles.

The combination helps to change the caloric intake/burn equation.  You  see it as simple as this:

Calorie Intake – Calorie Burn = Weight Change

So if your intake is more than your burn you gain weight, if your burn is more than your intake then you lose weight.  There is nothing more to it than that and anyone who tells you different is wrong.

Now, there are ways to decrease the calorie intake without going hungry and there a lots of ways to increase the Burn rate as well.  That’s what Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle shows you how to do.

The book tells you what the right foods are to eat and it shows you how to build lean muscle mass.  You may ask why do you want to build lean muscle mass. The answer is that muscles burn more calories than fat, so if you have more muscle your natural calorie burn, or metabolism, is higher.

You also probably don’t know that different foods require different amounts of calories to digest.  For example, when you eat protein you burn about 30 calories digesting 100 calories of intake.  Contrast that with carbs, which take only 10-15 calories to digest 100 calories of intake.

And there’s lots more that you probably don’t know yet, and that is why I recommend Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle book.  Venuto explains it all honestly.  He makes it simple and doable.

Here’s a copy of the table of contents, with my favorite chapters being 6, 7,12, and 14. But make sure you read it all.

The fitness industry is full of hype and BS, but Tom Venuto tells it like it really is.    In my opinion, his books are some of the best books you will ever read about losing weight and building a beach ready body.

I highly recommend this book for people that want to transform their bodies and for those that just need to lose that last 10 pounds.

Burn the fat feed the muscle price and purchase information

There are a couple of options when buying Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, you can get the deluxe bonus pack for $59.95 or the regular version for $39.95.  I went with the deluxe version because Venuto includes an extra ebook called The Fat Burn Files, which includes a bunch of interviews with Venuto and exposes a lot of new information about natural fat burning.

Your Bonus for Burn the Fat

If you really want to understand how to accelerate your fat loss, this revealing interview with Tom Venuto explains how the mind is teh missing link for many people trying to reach their fat loss goals. He explains how to get your mindset right, to focus on your goals and accelerate your burn the fat progress.
Click here to get the bonus.